Saturday, December 7, 2013

~ Potato Curry ~

I have always wanted to make curry and especially after I tried Japanese curry for the first time. I have had curry that my Chinese friend has made and it was delicious. Once,  I tried Japanese curry for the first time at a Japan culture event. Ever since then I tried looking for recipes to make.

I am the type person who loves potato, onions and chicken. So that is what I made for lunch today but you will see that in a later post.

Today, I made potato curry~~ It was all by eye sight and feeling hahaha ^^ I didn't find a good recipe so I made it up on the go. To make this recipe you will need the following:

- 3 Potatos
- onions
- carrots
- Curry powder
- salt
- Black pepper
- Tumeric powder
- Chili pwder
- water
- flour

I used a decent size pot which was not too small and not extremely huge. I started off first with peeling the potato's and leaving them in water. While I left them in the bowl, I started to cut the onions and carrots into tiny pieces. While I was doing that the pot had a little bit of Olive oil and was on low heat. I added the carrots and onions to the pot. While the onions and carrots were cooking slowly I began cutting the potatos into blocks, and tiny pieces.

When you completely chopped all the Potatoes and added them to the pot, increase the temperature from low heat to medium heat. I am sorry I don't measurements to help you out more but I didn't measure anything. I then grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I poured the water into the pot and it was perfectly enough. There was a bit of water laying on top of the ingredients. You don't want to much water above the ingredients. It is not a soup.

Leave it to boil and keep and eye on it once in a while to see if the potato is cooking and slowly softening. While that is happening you can prepare the condiments to have ready to use. You are definitely going to need Curry powder of course. The Chili powder is optional. I added a tiny bit to give it a bit of a kick. I am so glad I did because it was delicious. When the water begins to boil, add salt, Tumeric, and Black pepper first. I put a little bit of salt first. Put a decent amount of Tumeric and Black pepper. And add a tiny bit of Chili powder. Add the condiments to your liking basically.

Stir the ingredients and keep checking if the potatos are soft by trying to break one against the pot. Once you notice they are nice and soft add some Curry powder. The amount to your liking. Stir. Curry is a bit thick and right now up to this process your curry should be watery. Mine was watery and to make it thicker, I got a measuring cup but you can use any cup. I added a little bit of flour first then some water and stir quickly for no lumps. Then pour it into the pot with the curry. Stir and see if the consistency is to your liking. When I looked at mine I wanted a little thick so I did the whole flour/water procedure one more time. Since you are adding cold water into the pot leave it to cook for about 5 more minute. Turn off the stove top and serve on rice or chicken.

It was very delicious :) I had a lot left over so that will be my dinner later today with rice and tomorrows lunch ^^  Hope you enjoyed!

It looks really dark here because it got dark in my house out of nowhere. But the other pic is the right color of how it looked. 
If you want to see a video of how to make it let me know and I may make a video :) This time I will provide measurements.

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