Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Insanity/ Workout | Day 7: 12/8/13 Zumba and pizza

Alright so the next day, I had a really bad lunch and dinner :( I felt so bad but when you don't have anything else and the bad food is already done faster.... There is nothing I could do.

For breakfast on Sunday I had a bit of potato soup my mom made. It wasn't a lot since there was only a little left when I woke up.

My day was spent just sitting in my room, waiting for my boyfriend to arrive to spend the day together. Once he arrived we just chilled a bit in my room until my mom told us to buy pizza. So I ended up eating three slices. I couldn't help it :( I love pineapple pizza!! I was also very hungry since it was like 5 hours since I had breakfast. After it was a very long day out and about. We went to Burlington because he had to buy dress shoes for his interview the next day. Well our interview. I had to get black pants but I didn't buy it there.

After that we went to Wholefoods. I wanted to check some prices and my BF has never been there before so he got to see how nice the market is. I wanted to see the prices for more of that Whey protein shake and it was expensive >.<

After our lovely trip to wholefoods, we went to Aldi to shop for some ingredients for the recipes I was going to make. By the time we got back to my house it was already 4:25 PM. I was still missing some food to buy for some of my recipes so I was going to return later with my mom. My boyfriend head home and I decided to try my moms black pants and see if they fit so I can wear them to my interview. They did not fit at all and I would have to go buy them later.

By the time my mom and dad were ready to leave it was 5PM. They had decided to go to a Korean market that I had wanted to go that is about an Hour away from where we live. Half way to our destination it was already night time and my GPS took us to a weird secluded scary destination. We asked around and finally found the market around about 7:20 PM.

I bought some Korean snacks, Kimchi, sauce and other stuff. When we finally arrived home it was Almost 9. We decided to just go for my pants because my interview was the next day.

I finally got home to prepare myself for my final exam and interview the next day. I practiced some usual interview questions and was really excited and nervous. I woke up at 5 AM too eat, get ready and do my hair for the interview. I felt like it was such a hectic and busy day. I decided to call in to my temporary job and let them know I won't make it that day (12/9). I really did not want to rush. There was too much going on. So I took my time to practice some more, get ready for school and whiten my teeth. I was looking forward for the job interview at Victoria Secret. The night I was busy lost trying to find the Korean market I got a call at around 7ish and I missed it. I heard the voicemail and they told me my interview time was changed from 11AM to 1 PM. My final exam is at 12PM. I immediately called back and was told to call the day of the interview (12/9) to see if they can work something out.

I went to school and studied like crazy for my final exam and called twice that morning to speak with the manager about my interview. The second time I called the man who answered said he would tell the person who was going to do interviews to call me and leave me a message at 12 about my interview and see if I can get a later time. I sat down taking my exam and was so anxious because I didn't get a call which meant I still needed to get there on time. I finished my exam and 12:45 and rushed from school to the mall. I was so nervous about being late. When you have an interview you should be on time even earlier.

I was able to get into the store by 12:58 PM and was told to wait till I was called. I waited for about 15 minutes until they finally brought me to the back and into a room. I filled out the few things I needed to and was ready for this interview. I had practiced and wanted to give a good impression. They still made us wait an additional 20 to 25 minutes. I felt like it wasn't a very professional atmosphere. They had two workers that came into the little room and started talking to each other. I felt like it was rude and unprofessional for employees to act like that. They were cursing and one was dressed in a way I just couldn't believe they would allow. I was very surprised. It was a group interview and the other two people I was with were dressed alright. However, when they called me for my interview they said to dress all black and no jeans. Two girls were wearing jeans and just a black t-shirt. I felt positive that at least I dressed the part well. They had retail experience so I lost a bit of confidence. I didn't have that retail experience but I had customer service experience. I felt like the whole interview was unprofessional and I had a horrible first time experience in a group interview. I felt like I was being compared with the other interviewees. When the lady we were waiting for a long time for finally came she asked for our name, previous job and why we should be hired. I felt like that wasn't enough to get to know about a person. They didn't even ask what my job was about or what I exactly did. She asked more about the other interviewees previous job because one worked at Hollister and the other at abercrombie. I wish it was individual interviews and I could have the opportunity to let them know I had customer service. She then asked if we shopped at PINK. I was being honest and said I didn't have the opportunity to and told her what the products from PINK mean to me. I wanted to sound professional but since I was nervous I ended up talking a little too much. The other interviewees ansered so short and had "yeah.. " in their answers. They had such a casual way in their speaking. I felt like I did alright. What I hated was I didn't feel welcomed or like I was a waste of time. They wanted to go fast and get answers fast. I could tell while I was talking the lady she kept looking at the applications and just saying "Mhmm" I felt like she didn't want to hear me. Either way I kept telling myself at least I was dressed right and was the only one in my group who attached my resume to my application. I wanted them to know I was serious and ready to work. I also felt like they didn't give me the chance. I know for a fact they missed out on a good and seriously hard working employee.

So that was my interview day :(

So to my workout! It was late so all I did was dance for a while.

Look forward to my next post. ~

Whitening my teeth 
Before Interview

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