Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Insanity/ Work out | Day 6: 12/7/13 Zumba and Curry

I am so sorry again :( I am on finals week at school and have been super busy so I have not been able to keep up with my blogs.

So on this day I had my final for Zen and Tea ceremony, I woke up at 9:35 AM and decided to skip breakfast and just make a yummy lunch. I ended up making curry and chicken. It was delicious! After I ate lunch I packed my things and was off to school.

When I finished class and was on my way home, I started to think "What was I going to eat for dinner?" Since I had left over curry, I decided to eat curry and some rice.

I also had a yummy salad of onions and tomatos. :) That basically was my Saturday meals. I also had water with both meals.

As for workout, I did about 20 minutes of Insanity then like 45 minutes of Zumba. It felt great~~


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