Friday, December 6, 2013

Insanity/Workout | Day 4: Cardio Power and Resistance and Zumba

Alright I also forgot to post this yesterday but I am doing it now haha. ^^

Ok so yesterday, For breakfast I had the Whey Protein shake with a banana. It wasn't bad at all! I thought I was going to find the taste weird but adding the banana made it nice and drinkable. I stumbled upon this shake because of my aunt who is so pro organic buyer. lol If that makes sense :) She buys only organic stuff from Wholefoods and she told me about this shake in which a friend of hers had and lost a lot of weight. But her friend was crazy and had the shake only for breakfast and dinner. While for lunch it was something else. I don't know how she did it because I love food and love to eat. I am having so much trouble to eat healthier anyways.

So since I liked it I might do what her friend did but I can't drastically not have anything else because yesterday when I had the shake only, I was starving and had lunch early because of that. So if I do that diet her friend did I would take it slow. I would have the shake and a boiled egg for breakfast and for dinner I would have the shake with carrots or celery. Something light but can be fulfilling. For lunch, my boyfriend brought food from his home. I had a bit of rice and 5 chicken wings. Since I wanted something else, I added a couple of tomato slices to my meal. I forgot to take a picture sorry :(

After we finished eating and watching Sleepy Hallow (our current show), we left to school. Now school is the temptation hell. I was fine for like an hour when we were there but I started getting hungry. I had such a light breakfast and early lunch, that I was ready for dinner by 4PM. So we decided to eat at chili's and split fries and burger bites. It was so bad for me to eat but so damn good!!!! I am weak I tell you~~ :( Wahhhh wahhh wahhh T^T When I got home, my mom made dinner but I wasn't going to eat after what I ate. My body is still not used to eating very little. Thats why I end up getting hungry.

So knowing I had a bad dinner, I knew I had to workout. So I did my next workout on Insanity. It was cardio power and resistance which is so intense. Insanity has three warm ups before you even start the actual workout and it is so tiring. I started getting bored doing repetiotions and I wasn't really enjoying myself while working out so I stopped the video with 25 minutes still left to complete. Instead I decided to continue my workout for the day with Zumba. I really enjoyed the class I had in LA Fitness with my guest pass! So I decided to find a YouTube video to follow. I found one and it was okay but I loved the instructor from the gym, workout. So I changed it up and put on a Zumba playlist and did the moves I remembered from the class. Thats when I started getting into it and sweating like crazy. I always forget to take a pic of myself afterwords.

Here you will see my breakfast and the two videos I used from YouTube. Maybe you would like to use the videos as well. ^^

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