Monday, December 30, 2013


I saw Frozen on the 26th and let me tell you that I have replayed the soundtrack non stop! I absolutely loved the movie <3 From start to finish the movie just won my heart and soul. I believe what I loved a lot about it, was that it wasn't your typical Disney princess movie. It wasn't the typical "Prince saves princess" instead it was more on sibling love. That also leads to the other reason why my boyfriend and I loved the movie. The other reason was that it wasn't predicable like the other Disney movies. For instance, the scene where she goes back to Han to get her true love kiss and he leans closer to her but doesn't kiss her and reveals he didn't love her from the beginning.(Just plain evil) Both my boyfriend and I thought he would kiss her and it won't work then he would reveal something. From the beginning I didn't trust Han because... well it seemed so fake for me but I have to say they pulled it off in letting people believe Han was a good guy. The scenes with him in it was of him helping the people and then when he was with Elsa instead of killing her there he helped her with those two bad guys. So they did a good job in not making it too obvious. (I didn't trust him from the beginning ^^ )

Also the ending where Anna is about to freeze and Kristof is running towards her but instead she runs to save her sister. My boyfriend and I thought he would have kissed her in time and everything would have been saved. There were other moments but this is already getting so long >.< Overall the movie had such great scenes. Everything came together nicely and the music was just splendid. I really want this movie (Hint Hint.. *^* )

Day 28: 12/29 Blogilates, Cucumber water, Zucchini onion, and tofu stir-fry

I am such a Blogilates girl now >.< I seriously love her workouts and I feel like they really work well ~ ^^ I woke up with a passion and dedication to get to work on my legs. I did a lot of squats *^* So painful... it burns.... lol

For breakfast, I decided to have cucumber water because all the benefits it holds. It wasn't bad at all to be honest. I am not a big fan of cucumbers but it wasn't bad. The whole time I kept thinking it is good for my health ^^ I will post a link of the benefits for Cucumber water. Breakfast should be a fulfilling meal and the biggest out of the rest. To add to my lonely cold Cucumber water, I had three organic boiled eggs and one meat pastry.

That was actually more of a brunch than a breakfast because I woke up at 10 and ate that around 11. For dinner I made my self a Zucchini, onion and tofu stirfry as a side to my breaded chicken. It was really delicious. I wanted to make tomato soup but it will have to be another day~ Stay tuned for the speacial Banana Chia seed pancake! I finally will be making it for breakfast. I finally got bananas :)

Day 27: 12/28 Blogilates intense cardio/ Kpop workout tips

I did blogilates but to the extreme. I did day 3 on her app then I did two dance cardio videos, leg and arm videos and I danced randomly. I worked really intensely and I felt a bit nauseous after I finished. I kept feeling my heart beat like crazy and my body felt so shaky. I felt a lot calmer after taking a shower. Never go overboard with your workouts!! >.<

For breakfast I had cereal with almond milk. I spent lunch and dinner at my friends house and it was delicious. I had Hot dogs for lunch with some tortilla chips, and bowtie pasta for Dinner. I completely forgot to take pictures the entire day :( So instead I will share pictures of the body I hope to obtain and some other good images. Here is this awesome blog I found

Day 26: 12/27 Blogilates day 2 plus extra

I am really loving Blogilates. I feel like it is somewhat easy, fun and inspiring to continue working hard. I did day 2 from my app then a couple more of her videos. I used videos focusing on cardio and arms. I used her PSY- Gangnam style dance workout video and it really made me sweat. The jumps were what killed my legs.

For breakfast I had Pumpkin Flaxseed cereal with Almond milk and oatmeal. I didn't have any snack but for lunch I had a small amount of meat and some mashed potatos my grandma brought from her day at the doctors. For dinner I made BBQ tofu! I have had tofu two times before. The first time being not so great and the second time amazing!~ I found an easy recipe to do with the tofu I had. I used organic firm tofu, BBQ sauce and onions. To complete my dinner I had some kimchi, Korean pickled radishes, and avocado.

It was a good day! I ate good and worked out with a whole load of passion. :) I have noticed some small changes. They are small but I am proud of myself. I have completely stopped eating rice and drinking soda. There were times where I had a cup of sprite but that was it. I usually will have like a hundred cups of soda but after I drank it I would go for water or tea. Its hard to lose weight but I have noticed small changes in my intake and on my legs. My legs really have looked a lot slimmer than they were before.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Exo Showtime ~

I have never been really into Exo or wanted to. The first song I heard was called MAMA. I saw the MV and I loved it but I just did not have the time to get into them. Then I heard wolf and growl and absolutely <3 it! I loved their music but I still just didn't feel like getting into them. I didn't understand why so many people loved those boys so much. Exo was everywhere. ~ So yesterday, I was bored and wanted to see something new and different. While I scrolled down I saw a link to see Exo showtime ep 4.

I thought "Why not?" I clicked on that link, looked for episode 1 and before I knew it I clicked on something that changed my world. My life had changed and I don't know why I took so long to have opened my eyes to such beautiful beings. Right away from the first episode I fell for these boys. They were so funny, dorky and had a lot of Charisma. I had some trouble figuring out who was who but I got the hang of it.

Instantly, from episode 1 the boys who won me over the fastest were Lay, Kris, Sehun, Xiumin, and Luhan. I finished all four episodes in one night and I can't wait for more. I started searching them up and trying to see if they had anymore shows. I can't choose who I liked the most. >..<

In the episode, where the members were all doing something different, something remarkable happened. I believe if I remember correctly it was DO who went to see a movie. I am not to sure if it was him. Either way, he stated something that I just froze and my mind went blank. When I go to the movies, I don't like to get popcorn like everyone else. I prefer Nachos or a pretzel. When he went to the concessions stand, he said he didn't like to get popcorn and liked to get nachos instead. Seriously, everything stopped. My heart stopped and my soul flew away.

I thought I was the only one.. Well, obviously there are more people who may do the same but I never met anyone who did. I was like is he my soul mate ~~ (Love you still a lot more oppa <3)

Christmas 2013

This years Christmas was very special because it was the first Christmas I spent with my love <3 I had a great time with him and my family. This is just a very short post to share with you my outfit on Christmas and I believe this is the first post that you will see my oh-so-famous boyfriend I always talk about in my blog posts. We had pork, rice, yuca, and salad.

We also played Phase 10 while we waited for the meal to appear before us! ^^ We rule~ It was my night since I kept winning! However, I also felt very sick. I felt so dizzy and had this urge to vomit. Thank god I didn't! It turned out I was just very hungry and felt so much better after eating.

Insanity/workout | Day 25: 12/26 Blogilates love handle burn and arms

So I decided to find some time to workout. ^^ I danced for about 10 minutes then did three videos of Blogilates. On her app I have the beginners workout calender and as day 1 her video was a POP pilates beginner workout. I did that one and felt so much pain on my legs! It was tiring but I felt like I didn't workout enough. The other two videos I did were called "Love handle Hysteria" and "Sculpted legs in Skinny Leggings" After all of that, I was extremely exhausted.

Lately cold water has been like my obsession. I love drinking cold water! It gives me such a pleasure to drink after a workout or tiring day.


They look slimmer ~~
For breakfast I had vegetable juice again and headed out the door for a date with my man. We went to see Frozen and I absolutely loved it~~ Our lunch was not so healthy. We had Colombian hot dogs, fries and wings. Dinner was just chicken with corn, pumpkin and avocado. I have to say even though I skipped some workout days and had some bad eats days, there is absolutely a small change. My legs look a lot slimmer and I will keep it up! I lost about 4 pounds! ^^

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Insanity/workouts | Day 22: Blogilates, dance, sexy arms and back 12/23

So I went back to my workout routine on the 23rd. I did three videos by Cassey from Blogilates~ Her videos really make you motivated. I feel like I am having fun while listening to her. I started off my day with a cup of water and lemon. After I finished that, I went for a cup of vegetable juice (carrots, spinach, celery, apple, parsley and cabbage.). Once I finished my cup of juice, I had one hard boiled egg.

That was my breakfast and after I ate my egg, I took a break to watch some shows then I got ready for my intense workout. I started off with some Zumba dance moves, three blogilates videos and then my sit-ups (20).

For lunch, I had half a sub which was chicken Parmesan and some strawberry lemonade. ^^ I can't remember my dinner LOL :( That is why I must do my blog posts right way!

Inuyasha | Season 1 & Season 2

These past few days, I have this rekindling passion to watch all my favorite shows when I was younger/shows I liked and one of those was Inuyasha. I watched the first two seasons in three days. I have to say I really liked the first season a lot because that is when Inuyasha and Kagome are just starting to interact. Their constant bickering was so cute because well they are just perfect for each other. I really love when the show connects both eras. I love it when Kagome brings things from home and Inuyasha and shippo have such a surprised face. I think it is funny and adorable when they are being introduced to new things from her era. ^^ So I liked the first season for that reason. I love when they slowly meet the other main characters and they just begin their journey.

The first season flew really fast for me. When I got to the second season it took a little longer. I loved it, don't get me wrong. There were still plenty humorous moments and loving moments. However, season two was a lot of fighting. Which I know that is the whole point of the show. Fighting demons and getting the shards back. Its just I am a hopeless romantic and I want to see the love between Inuyasha and Kagome ignite. Some of the fighting scenes were really cool and kept me intrigued! I just felt like every episode back to back was a fight and it would last the whole episode. Can't they fight, end it and then flirt! LOL >.< Season 2 though had episodes that became my favorite. I really liked the episodes with the wolf demon in it. I loved seeing the jealousy from Inuyasha. I am currently watching Season 3 and I can't remember if the episode I am about to talk about was from season 2 or season 3. However, I really loved the episode where Shippo gets a letter from the demon who wants revenge on its people. So shippo goes and it turns out to be a kid. It was such a funny and cute episode.

I love the main characters but Inuyasha is by far my fave. He is so cute, funny and dorky. When I first saw Inuyasha it was probably when I was like 9 or 10. I stayed up late with my brother watching shows on Cartoon network. At some point, it changed to Adult swim. My brother and I did not know what happened to cartoon network haha~ We had never stayed up that late. But the first show on Adult swim at the time was Inuyasha. Its like at that moment my eyes opened and saw something beautiful for the first time *angels  singing*~ I loved the music even though it was in another language. I loved everything! From then on I would try to stay up to catch episodes.

Eventually, I stopped and when I grew older I tried to watch it again online. I love the faces Inuyasha makes so much!! I wish he was real.... >.< Well, let me show you some pics ^^

Inuyasha is a very long anime but it is worth to see. I hope to see all seasons and movies and really recommend it too ^^ Enjoy~