Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Secret life of Walter Mitty

I saw this movie a couple days ago with my mom and grandma. When I first saw the trailer I thought, "It looks good but definitely a house movie." What do I mean by "house movie" is those movies you see that look better to be watched at home. Movies you want to watch but they don't seem that good to watch on the big screen. So instead you would watch it at home for a lot cheaper later on.

My mom really wanted to see a movie and our house was going to be fumigated so we went out. I showed her movie trailers and she decided on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. When the movie started it was a bit funny. To be honest it was a bit tiring/boring in the beginning after a while for me because he kept day dreaming/zoning out and I just wanted it to move on. That lasted maybe the first 10 minutes of the movie.... I am not good with estimating time but don't worry it moves on right away. The acting was great and once the movie started rolling into the adventures, it was so inspiring and motivating. I got goosebumps and felt such a joy. I really wanted to go out that moment and do something crazy. >.<

I felt like the movie really related to me. It impacted me greatly. It is about a guy who has always lived a simple life. Nothing extraordinary, no adventures and he seemed very shy and awkward at times. He worried about paying off things and he just would go to work. He liked this girl but never had the courage to say anything. It starts off with the whole dating website where he wants to send her a wink but can't because his profile is basically blank. He never stated anything interesting because he didn't think there was nothing to mention. Then because of something about his job and the whole situation of them letting go people, he decides to go and find the thing he needs to go look for to give to his boss. I don't want to spoil to much because I would love for you to all check it out. ^^ Because of that small mishap for work he started LIVING and enjoying life. He daydreamed a lot in the beginning of doing crazy stunts and stuff because he never actually did that. It was like he always daydreamed his life as a movie. He wanted to do all that but thought he couldn't. That is why I feel like it impacted me so much. I would daydream like that too. Daydream myself doing cool stunts, being spy, a singer, traveling, saving the world... Its like our way of having a pretend adventure. I think a lot of us do that. But its fake LIVING because we are not really LIVING the life. So I liked how in the movie he slowly stops day dreaming/zoning out because he is having his adventure and living his life. That just gave me such a rush. A passion to go do something I never would do or be able to do.

This movie was amazing and super inspiring. Lets live crazy!

In the movie Walter was given a wallet with a saying that was just so inspiring. The movie was very funny when he was on his adventures! It was a beautiful movie overall! The ending was beautiful and I actually never thought of it to be that.

I really recommend this movie! It really will inspire you to live your life. You live only once. Enjoy it~ It was worth to be seen in the Big screen. :)



  1. I'm really interested about this movie, it looks really good~ the trailer is really intriguing too! Thanks for reminding me to watch it hehe, I always forget about movies that are in the cinema>_<

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    1. Thanks :) Glad I was able to remind you keke ~^^ I will love to follow you. You seem to have very interesting posts~~
