Monday, June 30, 2014

Block B Showcase in Miami Experience

Block B Concert
I purchased the Block B concert ticket the day it came out and I have been dying for Friday, June 27, 2014 to arrive. When it finally did....

I was so nervous and excited that I made sure I looked good ;) I left work at 10AM and went home to do my hair, make up, pick out my outfit and of course have some lunch. Then I left early because it looked like it was going to pour. After picking up my boyfriend, we headed to Block B! We arrived there at 1:00PM. 

(later we realized there was no point in being early because people skipped to the front -_- and I could have gone to eat something) They didn't open the doors till 6:30pm :( 

As the time neared I was having a mental breakdown! 

I spotted Mr. Popo and JREKML and decided to take a picture with them which was awesome ^^ But I was so tired and hungry, so while everyone was pumped yelling and being video taped by them... I was like "LET ME IN SO I CAN EAT... I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH IT COSTS!" When we entered, I went straight to the food. We were the first costumers lol I spent $38 -_- on food but then headed to my VIP section M seat 2 (seat 4 and 6 also) The mood was great! We were all getting seated and some of the fans were singing along to the songs they played. I was really starting to die with all my emotions but once Block B began.... I lost it. 

I couldn't believe how close they were, how flawless and magical they looked... BEAUTIFUL...

I video taped their performance with my phone but with my jumping and horrible quality... It wasn't that great. JRE has some footage and it is SJSFDJLSBDFABJ >.<

Also my bias is P.O., Zico and Taeil~~ But let me tell you freaking Kyung and B-Bomb were freaking ruining my heart. Especially Kyung!! They were all so cute and funny. It was an incredible experience. `~ 

I felt like it was really short and I really did not want them to leave but I guess it was because I love them so much~~ As I waited with my friend to get the HITOUCH, I was not only nervous because I was gonna TOUCH THEM!! but also because I was going to hand them the poster I made for them. 

When it was my turn, I remember seeing freaking HOT GORGEOUS ZICO and he smiled at me and I was like askskflslvdfo.... I was so shy and said "Can I give this to you?" (Looking down at the poster than back at his beautiful eyes) He then said "Yes yes" (while nodding then turning to B-Bomb telling him in Korean to get it) So I handed it to B-Bomb and after that its all a blur... ZICO KILLED ME WITH HIS EYES I SWEAR.... I HAD A TRUE MENTAL BREAKDOWN... I THINK I WAS A WALKING ZOMBIE AFTER THAT. I remember giving B-bomb a high five after handing it but I was so nervous and happy that I just looked at their hands and I also recall looking up for a bit, seeing P.O. cute face and quickly looking back down. I then remember stopping because Kyung didn't have his hand up because he was saying something to Taeil and I just stood there. Smiling and looking at the side of KYUNG'S FACE~~ He then turned around looked into my eyes, smiled and hi fives me. Then I looked at Taeil and I felt like we held hands a bit. 

(Since I was a bit slow, my friend behind me got to hold onto ZICO a bit more <3 ) LOL

After walking out the doors, and realizing I wanted more... I started to regret not saying something in Korean and wished I could have said something while I touched them :(  Since, we had parked behind the building we were walking to the parking lot and realized they will be leaving from there since they arrived there in the bus.~~ We quickly stood by the gate (now regretting I should have really stood right by the gate instead of a few spaces back) Then a few more fans appeared and realized what we were doing and copied us. When I noticed they were right next to the gate, we moved closer just in case more fans appeared. We waited and waited... But finally they appeared and waved at us. ^^ Then out of nowhere Kyung comes RUNNING TO US AND A BUNCH OF GIRS ARE YELLING AND PUSHING AGAINST THE GATE AND I AM FREAKING SHORT so imagine... I was squished and I reached out my hand so Kyung can grab it like he did the other girls.. but he passed my hand... damn it... short people problems... (regret not saying "chakanmanyo! chaelbayo") <-- (wait, please!.. don't know if I wrote it correctly) 

And the FREAKING GIRLS WERE GOING CRAZY.... THEY KEPT PUSHING AGAINST THE GATE AND I NOTICED THAT IT WAS LEANING TOWARD KYUNG SO I QUICKLY GOT A HOLD OF IT..... I FREAKING SAVED HIS BEAUTIFUL LIFE... Then the girls who kept blocking me moved out of the way.. thank god because they stank! and I was finally in the front but... sadly Kyung was gone. I then proceeded to yell "KAJIMA" and was about to cry because I couldn't hold his hand. 

We then waved goodbye as the bus drove away~~ I then arrived home at 12:00AM went straight to sleep and dreamt of Block B <3 

Here are some Pics of that amazing night~

UPDATE: I had to delete the images due to them being unviewable. I also don't have these pictures anymore but it was a wonderful night! 

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